0111: Function not found in current scope

Compiler found what looked like a function call but couldn't find a matching definition in the current scope. It can be either because the function with such name was never declared or declared in a scope of another function.


function foo

  function bar: int
    return 5

int x = bar() // `bar` not found, because `bar is defined and available only in function `foo`

Possible solutions:

  • Check the function name spelling. It is possible that you've used a wrong name:

function foo

var x = fo() // error, `fo` not found
var x = foo() // OK
  • Check that the function is declared in either the global scope, or a scope of the current function:

// global scope

function baz: int
  return 5

function foo
  // function scope

  int x = bar() // OK, `bar` is available in current scope
  int y = baz() // OK, `baz` is available in current scope

  function bar: int
    return 5

int x = bar() // `bar` not found
int y = baz() // OK

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